Important laundromat safety precautions
While it may seem that a laundromat is a relatively safe place to be, there are always accidents that can happen for which you may be held liable. For this reason, it is essential that you minimize your risk in this respect and take all necessary safety precautions. Laundromat123 suggests several steps that laundry business owners can take to make their establishment safe for all patrons.
Install fire extinguishers
Every 1,500 square feet in your laundromat must have access to a fire extinguisher to prepare for the unlikely event of a fire. Additionally, train your employees in proper fire safety, including calling 911 before attempting to extinguish the fire and helping to safely evacuate anyone inside.
Maintain a first aid kit
The most common type of accident in a laundromat is one that involves slipping and falling. In addition to keeping the floor as dry as possible at all times, you should keep a first aid kit stocked with all of the essentials and make sure that your employees know where to find it. If anything is used from the first aid kit, make sure that you promptly replace it.
Post an emergency number
While you may not wish to post your personal phone number, it is a good idea to post an emergency number in your laundromat so that you can be called in case anything goes wrong. You may be able to set up a cheap phone number that forwards to your mobile phone using an online service. Additionally, make sure that all of your employees have a number on which they can reach you.
Have a safety inspection
In many states, a safety inspection is required before opening a laundromat. Whether your state requires this or not, it is a good idea to schedule another safety inspection at least once per year. This will help you to avoid taking any unnecessary risks and may help to demonstrate that you have done your due diligence in case you are held liable for an accident.
Maintaining a safe environment in your laundromat is essential to having a successful business. Even taking all precautions won’t eliminate the chances of being held liable when something goes wrong, however, which is one of the reasons why access to funding is essential. Speak with an Eastern Funding representative to get a better sense of your options today.