3 Trends that Will Dominate Clean Show 2017
Clean Show 2017 | June 5-8 | Las Vegas
Clean 2017 in Las Vegas is where the laundry industry will focus its attention from June 5-8. What will everyone be talking about at the show? Here are 3 topics that we think will dominate.
Many laundries have old equipment and the industry is waking up to the benefits of retooling with newer, more energy efficient and smarter machines. Lower utility costs and higher revenues are just part of the upside. Look for equipment manufacturers to debut new models and technologies at the show!
Faster, Higher Capacity Machines
Laundry owners are adding larger capacity machines in their stores as they aim to reduce customers’ time doing laundry. In addition to energy saving, these machines offer a new attraction to customers. “Hi-speed washers” is a sign your customers will be happy to see in your laundromat.
Social Marketing
Twitter, Yelp, Facebook and other social platforms are now a must-have in the marketing toolbox of laundry businesses. The industry is quickly embracing social as a powerful way to communicate with customers and build their brand. At the Clean Show you’ll find providers of marketing services designed specifically for the industry. Check them out. Perhaps you may pick up a marketing tip or two from the experts to help you grow your business.
What are you looking to forward to seeing at the Clean Show in Las Vegas?